Insane Barber Skills on Handsome Male Model | ODPHADEZ





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Great demonstration of a skin fade on a client with really thick hair. I also like the definition due to the bleached top. The client says that he hasn’t had a fade for over a year, so this is not one of those video where the guys having the same cut every ten day or so. So plenty to work on.

I like the way he is chatting along to the client while he cuts his hair. But all the time paying close attention to the detail of the cut. No scissor spinning, no dramas, just a nice steady approach to a great haircut.

I also like the way he spins the chair and hands the client the mirror at the end, so he can get a really good look at the finished haircut himself. Finishing off with a fist pump….. Great video from the guys at Beardbrand. Take a look….

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